Minggu, 23 November 2008

nu stupidity

I dont want to do anything today. the weather isnt friendly. I went to sleep at 2 o clock last nite. but I wake up at 10. wahaha...
yeah..thats me..kebo!
suddenly, I want to buy an english dictionary for my brother.
coz of I neva give any gift to him in every his birthday since 2 years ago.
so, in 1 PM I go to bookstore.
I choose one of book among lot of them.
but, before I take one of them, I intersted to other side of bookstore.
yup, I went to part of humor book.
I took one great novel that I loved.
and then I took the dictionary without cheking it before.
I pay them at cashier, and go home.
but, I feel so shock when my friends spelled the dictionary that I bought.
he said 'kamus bahasa indonesia' or 'bahasa Indonesia dictionary'
I have to buy once more to get the right one.
thats me... stupid and kebo...

Jumat, 21 November 2008

madura trip

now I have a good will to write my adventure to madura island a few weeks ago. maybe coz of busy and lazy including dizy makes me so bored and didnt want to write it out.
but now I have it all. hehehe...
actually these trip in kind of 'accident trip'. went to madura island is one of my destination after I finish my thesis, later.
one day, I got sms from my friend (ino). he offered me to join quickcount (QC) of the public election in my province.
once I didnt give him an answer, but suddenly I decided to enter this zone. I take the job coz of:
1. I need money that I could earn from these job.
2. I need to refresh my brain after 1 month I doing my thesis.
3. I love adventure, especially by using motorcycle, and far away from my home.
4. I'll look for my family there, etc.
I join QC training day. I used to do it, coz I've ever do it once. and finally, I got a lot of money! Hurray!
I repair my motorcycle first before I go. 2 hours before midnite formally I go to the target from jember, 12 hours from the target, it is sumenep.
without any permit from my parents, I ride my bike in the late of nite. OMG! its fun but its hurt too.
when I enter sidoarjo, I lost my way. fortunately, I have a feeling that direct me to the right way.
suddenly, when I start entering surabaya city, I almost enter the highway. OMG! coz its coz of I ride my bike at behind of a car. hehehe...
after a lot of struggle for almost half of day, I arrived in sumenep. tired and hurt in my back is what I feel when I feel first time there.
20 years ago I went to sumenep. I forgot most of memory about this town. my aunt direct me to the family in sumenep.
they are so kind. I love them. sumenep is one of residence in indonesia where there is an old kingdom there.
it seems like jogjakarta, bali, cirebon, or another place in indonesia which their old government system are monarch.
I went to the museum, its the first time for me there. so beautiful and interesting for me.
there is a giant Al-Qur'an, when I thought that it was a king's bed in the first time I saw.
my uncle took me to a beautiful beach there. its so wide, calm and nice place. soft and white sand I could find there.
even its more white and softer than belongs to java beach.
I cant believe that I have so many family there. I just knew it after I come to sumenep, alone.
the QC itself run well. but the position of public election place is in the middle of a truly illage area.
even it is next to graveyard. fortunately, its closed by bamboo layer. so I couldnt see it. fiuh...
the weather is so hot, and when the rain comes, its just falls for a few hours, no more than 3 hours. and then the sky come to bright again later.
its so different to java island where the rainfalls coming for along time, even there is no sunlight when its a hard rainfalls.
I just spent my 3 days in sumenep. coz I have to return my QC report to the base, and accept the rest of my fee. once more. hehe...
when I'm on the trip to home and I fill my gas in a gas station in pamekasan, I found another unique place.
common people there call this place as 'api tak kunjung pandam' or 'eternal flame'.
yup, its a natural gas which went out from the ground. they used this to cook their food or another functions.
when I accros the madura strait, I found that suramadu bridge is on the sea and almost finished the construction.
i take a lot of photograph along my journey.
its kind of another adventure for me, as what I've done before to Bali.
What a nive place, but I don't want to live there. hehe...

Minggu, 16 November 2008

bakso kepala bayi

tanpa rencana yang matang, aku n nda sepulangnya kami dari rumah Mr. Fuad berangkat menuju sukowono.
mumpung lagi jalan, akhirnya kami membayar penasaran kami terhadap bakso kepala bayi.
awalnya aku pikir ukurannya kecil.
ealah, ternyata gedenya ga ketulungan.
segede bola sepak euy!
plus, di tengah jalan saat kami mencari rumah sodara jauhku di sana, nda tiba2 liat ada warnet yang lokasinya ada di tengah2 sawah, masuk gang pula. secara itu kan sukowono.
spontan aja kita ketawa...
wahahaha...sayang, aku ga berani foto.padahal unik bgt kalo nurut aku tuh.

pak fuad

hari ini aku merasa sedikit lega, karena kebodohanku dalam menyusun dan menulis skripsi telah dikoreksi oleh pak fuad.
beliau telah membuka mata dan telingaku untuk lebih memahami apa yang aku tulis.
dari awal aku memang merasa ada yang salah dengan tulisan ku itu.
minggu pagi ini aku berangkat dari jember menuju bondowoso.
di sanalah kediaman pak fuad berada.
setelah nyasar2 bergembira bersama nda, akhirnya ketemu juga.
dengan bimbingan dari disty, kami menuju rumah beliau.
tanpa harus menjelaskan secara detil, pada akhirnya kami merasa di perbaiki paradigma kami dalam memahami tulisan kami sendiri.
thanx so much Mr. Fuad.
you are so nice and kind lecturer.
hup I can come to your hum l8er.

Sabtu, 15 November 2008


tak ada niat penuh untuk berangkat ke warnet hari ini. karena sebenarnya ada akses internet di kosan ku. aku bisa memakainya kapan pun.
tapi entah mengapa rangsangan diri untuk menuju tempat yang dulu kuakrabi itu begitu besar. dengan sedikit rasa kecewa dengan fasilitas dan speed internet di salah satu warnet di kota jember itu, akhirnya aku berselancar ria di dunia maya.
niat awal mulai kukabulkan dengan membuka email-email dan friendsterku. ku balas dan hapus account yang perlu kulakukan dengan akses internet yang 'lumayan'.
di sela-sela aku berada di dunia maya dan menunggu loadingnya, aku mulai membuka file-file internal di tempat itu.
mulai dari musik, film, hingga gambar aku lihat satu persatu. file yang aku sukai, aku copy menuju flasdisku.
5 GB total kapasitas flasdisku telah penuh. hingga akhirnya aku pindah ke komputerku di kosan.
aku pilih satu persatu file yang masuk kriteriaku.
malam hari setelah aku mengantar bu kosku ke dokter gigi, aku mulai memutar lagu-lagu yang aku copy tadi siang.
saat aku teringat dengan lagu anggun, maka aku segera menikmatinya di telingaku.
satu persatu single yang dulu pernah rilis di masa SMA ku aku ingat-ingat lagi.semua memori muda ku muncul seketika.
sejak kecil aku memang mengagumi Anggun. sosok wanita indonesia yang tidak luntur jiwa nasionalismenya akan Bangsa Indonesia, meskinpun tinggal dan mengembangkan karirnya di negara lain.
lagu-lagunya yang berbagai corak, mulai dari techno, melow, etnis, hingga rock mampu disajikannya dengan sangat apik dan profesional.
range suaranya yang sangat tinggi dan memiliki kekhasan tersendiri tidak akan mampu ditiru bahkan disaingi oleh orang lain.
beberapa singlenya yang memadukan corak etnis dan modern mampu menggetarkan membuat bangga diri sebagai anak Bangsa Indonesia.
tanpa harus meninggalkan satu sisi bentuk irama, corak irama yang terangkum utuh tersebut menyatu dengan pas.
di tengah gempuran mode luar negeri, seperti misalnya cinta laura dkk, anggun masih hadir dengan kepercayaan diri penuh mengusung unsur etnis.
dan lagi-lagi kita akan menjadi rindu dan merasa tidak akan pernah meninggalkan bumi Indonesia kita yang tercinta.

Rabu, 12 November 2008


doing a thesis seems like having a girlfriend for me. its because of both are always in my mind in every second of my life. but there is a difference between them. it will stop when I finish it works. but it isn't so with a girlfriend. a girlfirend will always having a place in our part of brain. it doesn't matter whether ist a good or bad memories with him or her. the other similiarities is both can blow our head if we aren't tough enough.
trying so hard with my thesis is the hardest thing that I ever do in my entire life. hope I can finish it soon. as soon as possible.

Senin, 10 November 2008

Biangnya Burung ...

Suatu hari Andi bermain ke rumah sang paman, terlihat sang paman sedang asik melihat-lihat burung-burung peliharaannya.

Andi : om, burungnya bagus-bagus ya.

Paman : iya donk ndi...yang ini mahal loh..(sambil nunjuk salah satu burung yang sedang berkicau).

Andi : iya om, hebat burungnya bisa nyanyi. Om beli berapa tuh...??

Paman : 5 juta...!!

Andi : wah...mahal yah...!! Kalo yang ini pasti murah yah om?? (sambil nunjuk burung yg sedang bersender, tanpa mengeluarkan bunyi sedikitpun)

Paman : justru itu lebih mahal lagi...!!

Andi : kok bisa...?? kan yg ini nggak bisa nyanyi om..???

Paman : tapi dia yang mengARANSEMEN LAGUNYA..!!!