Rabu, 13 Mei 2009

Out from hospital

hari ini adalah hari selasa. its a special day for me. its coz of this is the last day for me to stay here, in this room in the hospital after one week I live here to raise my condition from ill. I got a problem with my own lunghs. Its coz of too tired too. so I have to out of my last job at bank. but I am not regret. coz I think I will and i can find another job later if I get well soon. The doctor says to me to take some rest for a half of year, fully. what I can say, I just can follow the order. I take some rest for my kindness. no doubtfull, I'll prepare anything at my home with my all equipment that I've prepared before. I'll looking for a lot of job from my home where is in the middle of a middle village. but with all of my preparation before, I think I'm ready to face the dare next time. I saw a job vacancy last night. it seems so great and meaningful job for me. hahahaha..... now I got to prepare my self and any stuff that I took to this hospital. nice to meet this room, even a lot of experiences I have to had when I was here. also a frightened moment last night when there is someone next to my room have to past away this morning. whole of his family cried and sreamed along this morning. I cant sleep well when I heard it. oug... got to go now. bye...
PS : Thanx alot to all of my friends who came here and see me when I'm ill on my bed. your pray and support make me feel so proud and once again, meaningful. once again, thank you so much to you all.

I am back...

dah lama juga ak ga nulis di blog ini. skarang waktunya untuk aktif dan berjaya kembali. today is a really bad day. btw, jumat kmrn ak sign out dr`gawean ku di axa mandiri. karena emang sakit and ak dah terima gaji pertamaku, so ak kabur aja. daripada terusan makan ati gitu. mending juga nyari gawe lain. skarang ak lagi jadi buronan. pagi tadi ak dicariin asm ku di kosan. pake acara bawa bala bantuan segala? males banget sih. untung aja ak segampang itu ketipu. ternyata emang bener dugaan ku. skrg ak lagi sembunyi dari peredaran. berdasar info yang ak dapat, dalam beberapa hari ini sebaiknya ak menghindar dulu dari yang nama nya rumah dan kosan. padahal itu smua adalah tempat teraman di dunia kalo nurut ku sendiri. bingung musti gimana, akhirnya ak ngumpet di tempat temen. untung ak masih punya banyak temen sma di sini. bener2 kerjaan yang nyebelin. gaji gede? sapa bilang? abis buat operasional bu. dapet bonus? dari hongkong? iya kalo target, nah kalo ngga target gimana? masih dapet bonus? jelas engga donk. dapet omelan sih iya. yang pasti sekarang ak lagi menata kembali hidupku. biar ga gila and stress pasca resign from the last job. now I have to find another one. but dont worry, I'll get it soon. key? doain ak ya guys..?